National Advisory Committee

The strength of CFSI is its National Advisory Committee (NAC). Composed of more than 35 trade groups, issue organizations, and professional associations including the leading fire and emergency services organizations in the country, the NAC provides a forum where the national organizations conduct discussions and develop consensus on important national fire and emergency services issues. During a meeting, any NAC member can submit a resolution that seeks CFSI’s support on an issue. If the NAC approves the resolution, it is presented to the CFSI Board of Directors for final approval.

The resolutions process determines the issues that CFSI addresses on Capitol Hill. Only NAC members can introduce a resolution, and a supermajority is required for approval. Funding for the United States Fire Administration and the AFG/SAFER grant programs, reallocation of spectrum for first responders, and greater involvement of first responders in disaster mitigation are examples of the types of issues the NAC has supported at recent meetings.

NAC Leadership

Preet Bassi of the Center for Public Safety Excellence is the chair of the NAC; the vice-chair is Vickie Pritchett of the National Fire Sprinkler Association. Both the chair and vice chair are eligible to serve two, one-year terms. Open to the public, the meetings are scheduled in the spring and fall of each year.


Preet Bassi

NAC Chair


Vickie Pritchett

NAC Vice Chair

NAC Member Organizations

NAC Meeting Minutes and Resolutions

Fall 2018

Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Spring 2017

Fall 2014

Spring 2014